Voice Mosaic

Speech recording
This gropup of options allows You to change the following speech recording parameters:
- Sampling rate (value from 8000 Hz to 44100 Hz)
- Number of bits per sample (8 or 16)

Linear prediction
This gropup of options allows You to change the following parameters of linear prediction: coefficients calculation:
- Number of linear prediction coefficients (usually value from 20 to 30 is used)

Speech processing
This gropup of options allows You to change the following speech processing parameters:
- Frame length (integer value - power of 2)
- Analysis step (integer value - power of 2, less or equal to frame length)

This gropup of options allows You to change the following parameters of cepstrum calculation:
- Number of triangular filters
- Number of linear scaled filters (of total number of triangular filters)
- Number of cepstrum coefficients

Speech commands names
This gropup of options allows You to change the texts of speech commands

Speech parameters used for recognition
This gropup of options allows You to change the type of speech parameters:
- Mel-frequency scaled cepstrum coefficients
- Linear prediction power spectrum
- FFT power spectrum
- Mel-frequency scaled Linear prediction power spectrum
- Mel-frequency scaled Linear prediction power spectrum with its first derivative

Parameters visualization
This gropup of options allows You to change the parameters of spectrum visualization:
- Maximal parameters value
The value of this parameter changes the view of special indicators on the Main Window

Speech recognition
This gropup of options allows You to change the following speech recognition parameters:
- Rejection threshold (the maximal allowable distance to patterns)
- Type of simularity measure used for recognition:  Dynamic Time Warping or Hidden Marov Models

Speech detection
This gropup of options allows You to change the following speech detection parameters:
- Speech energy threshold
- Pause energy threshold
The "Setup" button allows you to estimate these parameters automatically using Microphone setup module
- Minimal non-pause segment length
- Maximal internal pause length
- Maximal speech command length

Game parameters
This gropup of options allows You to change the following Mosic game parameters:
- Mosaic size (height = width)
- Use figures or parts of pictures on Mosaic cells
- Play sounds or during game or not

This gropup of options allows You to change the following trianing parameters:
- Number of command repetitions

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