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 Аспирантура информация для аспирантов и поступающих в аспирантуру; списки аспирантов

Условия конкурса на получение аспирантских стипендий LSI в 2003 году

Announcement of the Availability of the LSI Logic International Services Scholarship to Post-Graduate Students of Moscow State University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


LSI Logic International Services, in addition to the scholarships awarded during past several years, intends to award up to five scholarships known as the "LSI Logic Scholarship" to post-graduate students (aspirants) of Moscow State University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic aptitude in the fields of mathematics, computer science and physics. Scholarship will provide Two Hundred (200) U.S. Dollars per month to each recipient (plus an extra $50 to help paying personal income taxes). Each LSI Logic International Services Scholarship is for period of nine months and is renewable based on academic performance. The purpose of the scholarships is to promote academic study relating to the semiconductor industry.

Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.8 in all university work in mathematics, computer science, physics and chemistry.

Preference will be given to applicants specializing in one or more of the following areas: algorithm theory, complexity theory, discrete optimizations, coding and communications, mathematical modeling of the physical processes. Programming experience and ability to communicate in English are plus.

Interested applicants should submit the following documents not later than September 26, 2003:

1. A letter containing applicant's personal data: full name, school, department, supervisor's name, year of post-graduate study (as for the December 31, 2003), address, phone number(s) and email(s), as well as his/her research goals, areas of interest, programming experience (type and approximate size of the largest project(s) he/she participates, as well as brief description of his/her role in implementation) and English proficiency.

2. Transcript (list of all courses including grades).

3. Short (one page) abstract (referat) of Diploma work, and a copy of applicant's best scientific publication (if any).

Applicants who successfully past the first round may be requested to submit additional documentation (e.g. letters of recommendations, copies of original documents).

Please submit all the above documents by email to adl@lsil.com (any readable format of documents is acceptable, but plain text or (La)TeX files are preferred). Printed materials can also be sent by email (in scanned form) or by fax number 1-408-954-4430. In case of difficulties with email and/or faxing, please call our Moscow department: 956-56-91 (ask Yuri Postelga or Andrey Zolotykh).

Questions about application procedure should be addressed to Ranko Scepanovic at adl@lsil.com.

LSI Logic International Services is wholly own subsidiary of LSI Logic Corporation, Milpitas, California. LSI Logic Corporation (NYSE: LSI) is a leading designer and manufacturer of communications, consumer and storage semiconductors for applications that access, interconnect and store data, voice and video. In addition, the company supplies storage network solutions for the enterprise. LSI Logic major customers are Alcatel, Boeing, Cisco, Dell, EMC, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nokia, Samsung, Seagate, Sony, Sun Microsystems etc. LSI is headquartered at 1621 Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035. For more information about the Company visit our web site www.lsilogic.com.

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