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 Publications Publications of electronic articles in English
 Patents Patents of the MaTIS chair scientists
 Research Main directions of scientific research
 Conference International Conference "Intelligent Systems and Computer Sciences"

10th International Conference "Intelligent Systems And Computer Sciences", 2011

VIII International Conference "Intelligent Systems And Computer Sciences", 2000

IX VIII International Conference "Intelligent Systems And Computer Sciences", 2006 ã.


Moscow State University

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics


The X International Conference "Intelligent Systems and Computer Science"
The First Newsletter

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Russian Academy of Technical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Council on Cybernetics of Russian Academy of Science, and Moscow Scientific Center for Culture and Information Technology organize the X International Conference "Intelligent Systems and Computer Science" at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University from December 05 to December 10, 2011.


The main topics of the Conference are:

  • pattern recognition;
  • information processes and technologies;
  • intelligent software;
  • databases and knowledge bases;
  • the principles of decision making;
  • expert systems and problem solvers;
  • modeling in technology, natural sciences and humanities;
  • discrete optimization;
  • mathematical biology and evidence-based medicine;
  • bioinformatics;
  • theory of discrete functions;
  • automata and robots with elements of artificial intelligence;
  • computers and neurocomputers;
  • fuzzy mathematics and applications;
  • computer algebra;
  • computer geometry;
  • coding theory and cryptography;
  • parallel computing;
  • mathematical economics.

If you are interested in participation please fill in the registration form at (http://intsys.msu.ru/en/science/conference/). Registration deadline is August 1, 2011.


Organizing Committee Chairman Acad. V.A. Sadovnichiy

Program Committee Chairman Acad. V.B. Kudryavtsev


Conference Proceedings

Organizing Committee plans to publish Conference Proceedings.

Languages of the Conference are Russian and English.

Requirements for abstracts and full papers can be found at http://www.intsys.msu.ru/ web site. Abstracts up to 4 pages are accepted.


Requirements for full papers and extended abstracts

1) Full papers and extended abstracts must be submitted in Russian or in English; submitted materials must contain the title, name and initials of the author (authors), institution, city or town, and e-mail address.

2) Submitted materials will be refereed by the Organizing Committee and published in case of positive review.

3) Full papers and extended abstracts must be sent by e-mail. Materials must be prepared in LaTeX 2e with the usage of standard commands only. Submission of corresponding pdf or ps files is requested.

4) Full papers and extended abstracts must be prepared using the following sample. The size should not exceed four pages.

      \textwidth=110truemm \textheight=160truemm
      \begin{center} \small
      \bf TITLE \\
      Author (affiliation)\\
      {\it E-mail}

            {\bf Theorem.}{\it Theorem statement. Theorem statement.}

      \smallskip Acknowledgments.
      \smallskip \centerline{\bf References}

      1.~Ivanov~I.~I. On the solution of one problem~// Proceedings of the
      International Conference.~–- M.: MSU Publishers, 2009, pp.~10–15.

      2.~Petrov~P.~P.,~Sidorov~S.~S. Estimation construction.~–-
      M.: Nauka Publishers, 2008.


Submitted materials should compile without mistakes and overfulls. The authors are requested to entitle the files by their own surnames.

5) All pictures should be greyscale and submitted in the form of the separate files in eps format.

The Organizing Committee may reject the abstracts prepared without fulfilling the above instruction.



It is suggested that all participants stay at the hotel of Moscow State University located in the Main Building of MSU or in Moscow State University dormitory (apartment blocks with two single rooms). Rooms in other hotels in Moscow may be booked as well. The cost of one bed room in Moscow State University is from 30$ to 60$ per day.

We kindly ask you to select an optimal accommodation and inform us about it till July, 1 2011 (in case if you select accommodation in MSU) or till September, 15 2011 (in case if you select another hotel in Moscow). The number of rooms in MSU hotel is limited.


Registration fee

Registration fee is 250 EUR for non-CIS participants (100 EUR for students and post-graduate students), 50 EUR for CIS participants, and 700 RUR for Russian participants. Students and post-graduate students from Russia and CIS may participate without fee. Students and post-graduate students should provide documents proving their status. Foreign participants may pay registration fee after arriving to Moscow State University.


For your correspondence

The suggestions and wishes should be sent to the Scientific Secretary of the conference, Dmitri V. Alekseev, at the following address: http://intsys.msu.ru/mail/?to=102.

Mail address:

Moscow 119899
Vorobjovy Gory, Moscow State University
The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Room 1201
The Department of the Mathematical Theory of Intelligent Systems.

Phone: +7 (495) 939-46-37

Abstracts are accepted by e-mail only.







Registration Form
for participation in the International Conference
"Intelligent Systems and Computer Sciences"


Family name:
First name:
I need Visa
reserve for me: one / double bed room
I want to give a talk with title:
(approx 20 min.)






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