The Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of the
Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Chair of Mathematical Theory of Intelligent Systems
Open seminar
Science and culture
The basic directions of a seminar work:

native history,philosophy, science, literature, poetry, art.
Seminar committee: Kudryavtsev V.B. (Chairman), Alexandrov V.V., Buevich V.A., Butuzov V.F., Vukobratovich M., Gluhov M.M., Ershov U.L., Irmatov A.A.(Executive secretary), Kozlov V.N., Korolev L.N, Kuznetsov F.F., Malyshev V.A., Mishchenko A.S., Potapov M.K., Raevsky M.V., Strogalov A.S.
During the seminar "Science and culture" urgent questions of the present day were widely covered famous Russian science, art and culture workers.
Seminar meetings of 1997-2002.
Seminar meetings of 1996-1997.
Seminar meetings of 1995-1996.
Seminar meetings of 1993-1994.