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Andreev Alexander Egorovich
Dr. of Sc., Professor

Andreev Alexander Egorovich (07/13/1956, Penza). Mathematician. Andreev graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of MSU (1978).
PhD in mathematics (1981), Doctor of Science in mathematics (1985).
Professor of the Chair of Mathematical Theory of Intelligent Systems (1993). Andreev gives lectures on the theory of schemas and algorithms' complexity.
Deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Intelligent systems".
Area of scientific interests. Discrete mathematics, theory of complexity of schemas and algorithms, pattern recognition.
Andreev was the first who built the sample of boolean function having
almost-exponential complexity in class of monotonous schemas from functional
elements, and so had solved Shannon's problem, remained open for more than
fifty years. He developed industrial method of optimal synthesis of
self-correcting schemas for realization of boolean function, correcting
almost-exponential number of errors without increasing of asymptotic
complexity. He determined the conditions when almost all matrixes have
constant, polynomial and exponential number of tests and blind tests;
the information weight of its features, the length of its minimal tests.
Andreev created asymptotically optimal procedures for building the most
important families of tests. He developed gradient method of searching for
almost minimal DNF, for almost all boolean functions. This method has
logarithmic complexity with respect to traditionally used ones.
Subject of PhD thesis: «About qualitative and metric properties of test algorithms».
Subject of thesis for degree of Doctor of Science: «About synthesis of functional networks».
Andreev prepared 4 PhDs; published more then 40 scientific works and has more then 100 US Patents concerning chip synthesis.