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Gasanov Elyar Eldarovich
Dr. of Sc., Professor, Deputy Head of MaTIS Chair, Curator of Post-Graduate Students
Gasanov Elyar Eldarovich was born on November 14, 1959, in Moscow. Mathematician. Graduated from the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of MSU in 1982.
Philosophy Doctor in mathematics (1986), Doctor of Science in mathematics (1999).
Professor of the Chair of Mathematical theory of intelligent systems of the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics (2003). In Moscow State University, E.E. Gasanov lectures the special courses "Theory of intelligent systems", "Theory of databases and information retrieval", "Additional chapters of discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics" and holds a special seminar in problems of complexity of search algorithms.
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Intelligent systems".
Area of scientific interests.
Discrete mathematics, theory of control systems, theory of databases, complexity of search algorithms, synthesis of large-scale integrated circuits (LSIC). E.E. Gasanov developed the general theory of information storage and retrieval on the basis of a new information–graph model of data. He solved the problem of optimal synthesis of information graphs for a wide class of search problems including those most often used in databases. The constructed theory covers all particular findings for concrete databases and provides algorithms and new technologies for synthesizing databases of new type, which are more efficient than the known algorithms.
The Candidate Dissertation of E.E. Gasanov was entitled "On the complexity of information retrieval"; his Doctoral dissertation "Optimal solution of storage and search basic problems in information–graph model of data".
Fourteen disciples of E.E. Gasanov obtained their PhD degrees. E.E. Gasanov published more than 140 scientific works including more than 40 patents of the USA.
Email: e dît gasanov àt intsys dît msu dît ru
Publications of Elyar Eldarovich Gasanov
Gasanov E.E., Kudryavtsev V.B., Nikitin A.A.
Blocked net buffer insertion.
United States Patent: 6,615,401, September 2, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., Kudryavtsev V.B.
, Podkolzin A.S., Zolotykh A.A. Method and apparatus for timing driven resynthesis.
United States Patent: 6,564,361, May 13, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., Lu A.
, Pavisic I., Zolotykh A.A. Timing recomputation.
United States Patent: 6,553,551, April 22, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., Lu A., Pavisic I., Zolotykh A.A.
Changing clock delays in an integrated circuit for skew optimization.
United States Patent: 6,550,045, April 15, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., Lu A., Pavisic I., Zolotykh A.A.
Method in integrating clock tree synthesis and timing optimization for an integrated circuit design.
United States Patent: 6,550,044, April 15, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., Kudryavtsev V.B.
, Podkolzin A.S., Zolotykh A.A. Method and apparatus for local resynthesis of logic trees with multiple cost functions .
United States Patent: 6,543,032, April 1, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., Kudryavtsev V.B.
, Podkolzin A.S., Zolotykh A.A. Method and apparatus for optimal critical netlist area selection.
United States Patent: 6,532,582, March 11, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., Postelga Yu.P.
, Zolotykh A.A. Density driven assignment of coordinates.
United States Patent: 6,513,148, January 28, 2003.
Gasanov E.E., V.B. Kudryavtsev
. Information-Graph Database Model. Storage and Search Complexity.
V international congress on mathematical modeling. Book of abstracts (September 30 – October 6, 2002, Dubna, Moscow region)
p. 101.
Gasanov E.E., Lu A.
, Pavisic I., Zolotykh A.A. Parallelization of resynthesis.
United States Patent: 6,470,487, October 22, 2002.
Gasanov E.E., I.V. Kuznetsova
. On the functional complexity of a two-dimensional interval search problem.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (2002) 12, N 1.
Andreev A.E., Gasanov E.E., Raspopovic P.
, Scepanovic R. Method and apparatus for parallel simultaneous global and detal routing.
United States Patent: 6,324,674, November 27, 2001.
Andreev A.E.
, Gasanov E.E., Raspopovic P., Scepanovic R. Net routing using basis element decomposition.
United States Patent: 6,253,363, June 26, 2001.
50 p.
Andreev A.E., Gasanov E.E., Raspopovic P.
, Scepanovic R. Method and apparatus for hierarchical global routing descend.
United States Patent: 6,175,950, January 16, 2001.
Gasanov E.E. Estimates of the complexity of a method to solve the problem of inclusive search.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (2000) 10, N 3,
Gasanov E.E., Lugovskaya Yu.P.
A constant, in the worst case, algorithm to search for identical objects.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (1999) 9, N 6,
, Gasanov E.E. Modelling and search complexity in multiprocessor system.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (1999) 9, N 5,
Gasanov E.E., Kuznetsova I.V.
On one method to decrease average search time.
Abstracts of I Turkish World Mathematics Symposium Elazig, Turkey. (29 June – 2 July 1999) -
Gasanov E.E. A lower bound for the complexity of inclusive search in the class of tree circuits.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (1998) 8, N 1,
Gasanov E.E. A lower bound for the complexity of information networks for one partial order relation.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (1996) 6, N 6,
Gasanov E.E. Instantly solvable search problems.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (1996) 6, N 5,
Gasanov E.E. On a one-dimensional interval search problem.
Discrete Mathematics and Applications (1995) 5, N 2,
Gasanov E.E. Instantly solvable search problems.
Proceedings of International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA-95) . Baden-Baden, Germany. HAS Press, 1995,
Gasanov E.E., Gasanov S.E.
An Asymmetric Enlargement of the Monolayer Surfaces Mechanism of Membrane Fusion.
Journal of Biological Phisics (1994) 19,
Gasanov E.E. On a fast solving of interval search problem.
Proceedings of International Congress of Mathematicians. Zurich, Switzerland, 1994.
P. 137.
Gasanov E.E. Some asymptotic evaluations of complexity of information searching.
Proceedings of International Conference FCT-87. Kazan, USSR, 1987. Lect. Notes in Ñîòð. Sci. N 278,