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Pankratiev Anton Evgenyevich
Ph.D., Researcher

Anton Evgenievich Pankratiev was born on August 23, 1973, in Moscow. Graduated from the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University in 1995; defended his Candidate Dissertation entitled "Hyperbolic products of groups" in 2001.
Area of scientific interests. Area of scientific interests. A.E. Pankratiev is a specialist of group theory, computer algebra, and information security. He introduced and investigated the notion of hyperbolic product of a finite number of groups; demonstrated that hyperbolic products of hyperbolic groups, as well as some other products with small cancellations, are hyperbolic in Gromov's sense.
A.E. Pankratiev has 8 scientific publications.
Email: pankratiev àt intsys dît msu dît ru
Publications of Anton Evgenyevich Pankratiev
Pankratiev A.E. Hyperbolic Products of Groups
In: "Abstracts of Talks at the international algebraic conference dedicated to the memory of A.G. Kurosh, 1998"
p. 197–198
Pankratiev A.E. Hyperbolic Products of Groups
Vestn. Mosk.Univ., ser. 1, Matem., Mech., ¹ 2 (1999)
p. 9–13.
Pankratiev A.E. On Two Properties of the Graph of a Hyperbolic Product
In: "International algebraic seminar dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Chair of High algebra of MSU (February 10–12, 1999), abstracts of talks". Moscow, 1999
p. 46–47
Pankratiev A.E. On the Properties of the Graph of a Hyperbolic Product of Groups
Intelligent systems, vol. 4, ¹. 3–4, (1999)
p. 321–334
Pankratiev A.E. A.E. Pankratiev On Infinite Periodic Quotients of Hyperbolic Products
Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, vol. 54, ¹. 5
p. 167–168
Pankratiev A.E. On the Properties of the Graph of a Hyperbolic Product of Groups
In: Proceedings of the VII International seminar "Discrete mathematics and its applications" (January 29 – -February 2, 2001) Part II
p. 175–178
Pankratiev A.E. On Quotients of Hyperbolic Products of Groups
Fundamental and applied mathematics, vol.7, ¹ 2 (2001)
p. 465–493