Courses and Seminars :: Students and Postgraduates :: Publications
Ryjov Alexander Pavlovich
Ph.D., Dr.Sc., MBA, Professor

Professor, Chair of Mathematical Foundations of Intelligent Systems,
Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professor and Head, Chair of Business Processes Management Systems
IT Business School
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Academic degrees
- 1982, M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Department of Computer Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
- 1992, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics;
- 2002, Executive MBA, IEDC-Bled School of Management;
- 2008, Dr.Sc. (Advanced doctoral degree, analogue of Dr.Habilit.) of Engineering/ Information technologies;
- 2010, Full Professor in System Analysis & Information Management, Russian State Certificate of Professorship.
Authorized Ph.D. boards
- 2011 – 2015: Dubna International University.
- From 2011: Lebedev Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Expert positions
- 2005 – 2011: National Information and Analytical Center/ ICT sciences and technologies
- 2006 – 2008: ISTOK-RU (Information Society Technologies to Open Knowledge, Russia. 6th Framework Programme)
- From 2007: Russian Government Research and Consulting Center of Expertise
- From 2009: Russian Venture Company
- From 2010: Skolkovo (IT cluster)
- From 2013: Ministry of Education and Science Russia/ Computer science group
- From 2013: Waseda University International e-Government Ranking Committee
- From 2014: Committee for grants, Cluster Information Technologies Fund Skolkovo
- From 2015: QS Global Academic Survey / QS World University Rankings
- From 2016: Russian Academy of Sciences
- From 2017: Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Membership of Associations
- Russian Artificial Intelligence Association, member-organizer
- Russian Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing Association, Scientific Board member
- Network of Excellence for Fuzzy Technology and Uncertainty Modelling in Information Technology in Europe
- Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing, member of advisory boards of several SIGs
- International Academy CIO, Vice-president
Editorial boards
- 1995-2001: Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems (Official publication of the Korea Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Society, Korea), International Advisory Board.
- From 1999: Intelligent Systems (RF), Scientific Secretary of the International Advisory Board.
- From 2014: Artificial Intelligence and Applications (USA), Editorial Board member.
- From 2015: China-USA Business Review (USA), Editorial Board member.
- From 2015: Chinese Business Review (USA), Editorial Board member.
- From 2015: Complex & Intelligent Systems (EU), reviewer.
- From 2016: CIO and Digital Innovation (Japan), Editorial Board member.
- From 2017: Web Intelligence: An International Journal (The Netherlands), reviewer.
- From 2018: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (UK), Advisory Board member.
- From 2020: Mathematics (Switzerland), Journal Topics Board member
- From 2020: Series "Quantum end-to-end IT" (Kurs Publishing House, RF), member of the Editorial Board
Conferences Committees
- COGNITIVE 2021: The Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, Porto (Portugal) – Technical Program Committee
- EANN 2021: 22nd International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Crete (Greece) – Program Committee
- AIAI 2021: 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, Crete (Greece) – Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2021: 13th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Phuket (Thailand) – Program Committee
- EGOSE 2020: Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia, St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- WIS 2020: The 8th International Conference on Well-Being in the Information Society, Turku (Finland) – Program Committee
- MES-2020: IX National Science&Technology Conference "Problems of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development", Moscow (Russia) – Program Committee
- DTGS 2020: 5th international conference “Digital Transformation & Global Society”, St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- ICoIV 2020: 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles, Berlin (Germany) – Technical Committee
- EANN 2020: 21st International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Halkidiki (Greece) – Program Committee
- INTELLI 2020: The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications, Athens (Greece) – Program Committee
- INISTA 2020: 2020 International Conference on INovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, Novi Sad (Serbia) – International Program Committee
- COGNITIVE 2020: The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, Nice (France) – Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2020: 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Phuket (Thailand) – Program Committee
- EGOSE 2019: Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia, St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- ÈÈÊÌÈÐ 2019: I Russian Conference with International Participation "Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Modeling and Intelligent Robotics", Dubna (Russia) – Program Committee
- DTGS 2019: 4th international conference “Digital Transformation & Global Society”, St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- INISTA 2019: International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, Sofia (Bulgaria) – International Program Committee
- EANN 2019: 20th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. Crete (Greece) – Program Committee
- AIAI 2019: 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Crete (Greece) – Program Committee
- ICEGOV2019: 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. Melbourne (Australia) – Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2019: 11th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Yogyakarta (Indonesia) – Program Committee
- COGNITIVE 2019: The Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications. Venice (Italy) – Program Committee
- RET 2018: Remote educational technologies. Yalta (Russia) – Program Committee
- EGOSE 2018: Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia. St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- WI 2018: 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. Santiago de Chile (Chile) – Program Committee
- WIS 2018: The 7th International Conference on Wellbeing in the Information Society. Turku (Finland) – Program Committee
- BDET 2018: International Conference on Big Data Engineering and Technology. Chengdu (China) – Program Committee
- EANN 2018: 19th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. Bristol (UK) – Program Committee
- MES 2018: VIII National Conference on Advanced Micro- and Nano- Electronic Systems. Zelenograd (Russia) – Program Committee
- INTELLI 2018: The Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications. Venice (Italy) – Program Committee
- INISTA 2018: The 2018 IEEE International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications. Thessaloniki (Greece) – Program Committee
- AIAI 2018: 14th IFIP Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. The island of Rhodes (Greece) – Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2018: 10th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Dong Hoi City (Vietnam) – International Program Committee
- COGNITIVE 2018: The Tenth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications. Barcelona (Spain) – Program Committee
- ITHR 2017: III National forum ITHR Russia 2017. Moscow (Russia) – Expert Committee
- IAC 2017: 12-th International Academy of CIO (IAC) Annual Meeting and RuCIO Forum. Moscow (Russia) – deputy Head of Organizing Committee
- RET 2017: Remote educational technologies. Yalta (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- AIAI 2017: 13th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Melbourne (Australia) – Program Committee
- EGOSE 2017: Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia. St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- DTGS'17: Digital Transformation and Global Society – 2017. Saint-Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- EANN 2017: 18th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks. Athens (Greece) – Program Committee
- INTELLI 2017: The Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications. Nice (France) – Program Committee
- WI 2017: 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. Leipzig (Germany) – Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2017: 9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Kanazawa (Japan) – Program Committee
- RET 2016: Remote educational technologies. Yalta (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- EGOSE 2016: Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia. St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- DTGS 2016: Digital Transformations & Global Society. St. Petersburg (Russia) – Program Committee
- WI 2016: 2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. Omaha, NE (USA) – Program Committee
- III 2016: The 8th International Conference Investments, Innovations, Information technologies. Moscow (Russia) – Program Committee
- WIS 2016: The 6th International Conference Well-being in the Information Society. Tampere (Finland) – Program Committee
- MES 2016: VII National Conference on Advanced Micro- and Nano- Electronic Systems. Moscow (Russia) – Program Committee
- INTELLI 2016: The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications. Barcelona (Spain) – Technical Program Committee
- COGNITIVE 2016: The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications. Rome (Italy) – Technical Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2016: 8th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Da Nang (Vietnam) – Program Committee
- WI 2015: IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence Conference 2015. Singapore (Singapore) – Program Committee
- INTELLI 2015: The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications. St. Julians (Malta) – Program Committee
- AIAI 2015: The 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Bayonne/Biarritz (France) – Program Committee
- COGNITIVE 2015: The Seventh International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications. Nice (France) – Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2015: 7th Asian Conference on Intelligence Information and Database Systems. Bali (Indonesia) – Program Committee
- ICEGOV 2014: 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. (Portugal) – Program Committee
- AIAI 2014: 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Island of Rhodes (Greece) – Program Committee
- SocProS 2014: 4th International conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving. Silchar, (Assam, India) – International Advisory Committee
- WIS 2014: The 5th International Conference Well-being in the Information Society – Safe and Secure Cities. Turku (Finland) – Program Committee
- WI 2014: The 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. Warsaw (Poland) – Program Committee
- IAT 2014: The 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. Warsaw (Poland) – Program Committee
- EWDTS 2014: 12th East-West Design & Test Symposium. Kiev (Ukraine) – Program Committee
- MES-2014: VI National Conference on Advanced Micro- and Nano- Electronic Systems. Moscow (Russia) – Program Committee
- ACIIDS 2014: 6th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Bangkok (Thailand) – Program Committee
- IAT 2013: The 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. Atlanta (GA, USA) – Program Committee
- SocProS 2013: 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving 2013. Roorkee (India) – Program Committee
- MES-2012: V National Conference on Advanced Micro- and Nano- Electronic Systems. Moscow (Russia) – Program Committee
- IAT 2012: The 2012 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. Macau (China) – Program Committee
- EWDTS 2012: 10th East-West Design & Test Symposium. Kharkov (Ukraine) – Program Committee
- SDPS 2011: Special Track: Emergence and Evolution of Complex Networks – As part of the 16th International Conference on Integrated Design and Process Science 2011. Jeju Island (Korea) – Program Committee
- EWDTS 2011: 9th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium. Sevastopol (Ukraine) – Program Committee
- MES 2010: IV National Conference on Advanced Micro- and Nano- Electronic Systems 2010. Istra (Russia) – Program Committee
- AIS’10: VII IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems. Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- ICAD-2010: IEEE International Conference «Intelligent CAD Systems 2010». Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- EWDTS 2009: 7th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium 2009. Moscow (Russia) – Program Committee
- IS&IT 2009: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Systems 2009. Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- AIS’09: VIII IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems. Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- XXVIII International Conference "Current trends of electronics 2008".Kiev (Ukraine) – Program Committee
- AIS/ICAD 2008: IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems and Joint International Conference on Intelligent CAD Systems 2008. Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- FS&SC 2008: 2-nd National Scientific Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing 2008. Ulyanovsk (Russia) – Program Committee
- GrC 2007: Granular Computing 2007. Silicon Valley (California, USA) – Program Committee;
- IAT 2007: The 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. Silicon Valley (California, USA) – Program Committee
- EWDTS 2007: 5th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium. Yerevan (Armenia) – Program Committee
- AIS/ICAD 2007: IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems and Joint International Conference on Intelligent CAD Systems 2007. Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- IAT 2006: The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. Hong Kong (China) – Program Committee
- FLINT 2006: Computational Intelligence for Information-web Search 2006. Cancun (Mexico) – Program Committee
- FSCS 2006: 1-st National Scientific Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing 2006. Tver (Russia) – Program Committee
- ICAD 2006: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems 2006. Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- EWDT 2006: IEEE East-West Design & Test Workshop 2006. Sochi (Russia) – Program Committee
- FSSCEF 2006: International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing in Economics and Finance 2006. St. Petersburg (Russia) – International Program Committee
- R 2005: III International Conference and Exhibition Robotics 2005. Moscow (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- ICAD 2005: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems 2005. Divnomorskoe (Russia) – Organizing Committee
- IAT 2005: The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. Compi.gne (France) – Program Committee
- IICS 2005: Innovative Internet Community Systems: 5th International Workshop. Paris (France) – Program Committee
- BISCSE 2005: Conference Honors "Father of Fuzzy Logic". Berkeley (California, USA) – International Scientific Advisory Committee
- DASD 2005: Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems 2005. San Diego (California, USA) – International Program Committee
- IICS 2004: Innovative Internet Community Systems: 4th International Workshop. Guadalajara (Mexico) – Program Committee
- MSRAS 2004: Monitoring, Security and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems. International workshop. Plock (Poland) – keynote lecture
- DASD 2004: Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems. Arlington (Virginia, USA) – International Program Committee
- IICS 2003: Innovative Internet Community Systems: 3th International Workshop. Leipzig (Germany) – Program Committee
- IICS 2002: Innovative Internet Computing Systems: 2nd International Workshop. Kuhlungsborn (Germany) – Program Committee
- FLINS 1998: 3rd International FLINS Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies for Nuclear Science and Industry. Antwerp (Belgium) – International Program Committee
- SC 1996: International workshop “Soft computing 1996”, Russian Association for Fuzzy Systems congress, and Russian branch of the Network of Excellence for Fuzzy Technology and Uncertainty Modeling in Information Technology in Europe assembly – International Program Committee
- FLINS 1996: 2nd International FLINS International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing. Mol (Belgium) – International Program Committee
- FLINS 1994: 1st International FLINS Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science. Mol (Belgium) – International Program Committee
Selected Publications
- Ryjov A. P., Mikhalevich, I. F. Hybrid Intelligence Framework for Improvement of Information Security of Critical Infrastructures. In: Handbook of Research on Cyber Crime and Information Privacy. Cruz-Cunha, M., & Mateus-Coelho, N. R. (Eds.). IGI Global, 2021, pp. 310-337.
- Ryjov A. Artificial intelligence: just an assistant or something more? In: Golub A. Artificial Intelligence for Fashion. Minsk, Discourse, 2019, p. 6-17.
- Ryjov A. Hybrid intelligence. Business use cases. Novosibirsk, Academia Publishing, 2019, 116 p.
- Ryjov A. Selected problems of optimization and personification for social networks. Saarbrucken, LAP, ISBN: 978-3-659-68661-0, 2015, 88 p.
- Ryjov A. The principles of fuzzy set theory and measurement of fuzziness. Dialog-MSU Publishing, Moscow, 1988, 116 p.
- Ryjov A. Models of information retrieval in fuzzy environment. Moscow State University Publishing, 2004, 96 p.
- Da Ruan, Gert de Cooman and Alexander Ryjov, Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Russia, FLINS Volume 3, SCK-CEN BLG-669, 1995, 163 p.
Chapters in books:
- Ryjov A. Artificial intelligence: just an assistant or something more? In: Golub A. Artificial Intelligence for Fashion. Minsk, Discourse, 2019, p. 6-17.
- Ryjov A. Personalization and Optimization of Information Retrieval: Adaptive Semantic Layer Approach. In: Zadeh L., Yager R., Shahbazova S., Reformat M., Kreinovich V. (eds) Recent Developments and the New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 361, Springer, Cham, 2018, pp. 15-24.
- Ryjov A. Automation of Knowledge Work: A Framework of Soft Computing. In: Chugunov A., Bolgov R., Kabanov Y., Kampis G., Wimmer M. (eds) Digital Transformation and Global Society. DTGS 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 674. Springer, Cham, 2016, pp. 411-421.
- Alexander Ryjov. Towards an optimal task-driven information granulation. In: Information Granularity, Big Data, and Computational Intelligence. Witold Pedrycz and Shyi-Ming Chen (Eds.). Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, pp. 191-208.
- Alexander Ryjov. Personalization of Social Networks: Adaptive Semantic Layer Approach. In: Social Networks: A Framework of Computational Intelligence. Witold Pedrycz and Shyi-Ming Chen (Eds.). Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014, pp. 21-40.
- Alexander Ryjov. Da was near with me in the very important stages of my life. A Tribute to Prof. Dr. Da Ruan. Jie Lu, Etienne E. Kerre (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp.251-262.
- Ryjov A. Basic principles and foundations of information monitoring systems. In: Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multi-agent Systems. Barbara Dunin-Keplicz, Andrzej Jankowski, etc. (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-540-23245-1, ISSN 16-15-3871, pp. 147-160.
- Ivanov A.A., Maskova V.V. , Ryjov A.P. Cadence Design Systems: methodology and tools for SoC. In: Intelligent Systems, V. Kureichik (Eds.). Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2005 p. 222-233.
- Ryjov A. Fuzzy Linguistic Scales: Definition, Properties and Applications. In: Soft Computing in Measurement and Information Acquisition. L. Reznik, V. Kreinovich (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, 2003, pp. 23 – 38.
- Ryjov A. On Optimal Fuzzy Information Granulation. In: Data Mining, Rough Sets and Granular Computing. Tsau Young Lin, Yiyu Y. Yao, L.A. Zadeh (Eds.). Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 364-397.
- Fattah A., Pouchkarev V., Belenki A., Ryjov A., Zadeh L.A. Application of Granularity Computing to Confirm Compliance with Non-Proliferation Treaty. In: Data Mining, Rough Sets and Granular Computing. Tsau Young Lin, Yiyu Y. Yao, L.A. Zadeh (Eds.). Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, 2002 p. 308-338.
- Ryjov A. Degree of fuzziness for fuzzy linguistic scales. In: Fuzzy decision support systems. Averkin A.N., Yazenin A.V. (Eds.). Kalinin University Publishing, 1989, p. 82-92.
- Ryjov A. Evaluation of fuzziness for fuzzy attributes. Mathematical cybernetics and applications in biology. Krushinsky L.V., Yablonsky S.V., Lupanov O.B. (Eds.). MSU Publishing, 1987, p. 60-77.
Selected papers in peer-reviewed publications:
- Kudryavtsev V.B., Kozlov V.N., Ryjov A.P., Mazurenko I.L., Bokov G.V., Petyushko A.A. Artificial Intelligence: Problems and Prospects. Intelligent Systems. Theory and Applications. Vol. 24, N 4, 2020, pp. 35-47.
- Suvorova E.I., Kontsevaya A.V., Ryjov A.P., Myrzamatova A.O., Mukaneeva D.K., Khudyakov M.B., Drapkina O.M. Systematization of effective population-based preventive measures under uncertainty: an ontological approach. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. Vol. 19, N 5, 2020, ðð 230-235.
- Suvorova E.I., Kontsevaya A.V., Ryjov A.P., Sapunova I.D., Myrzamatova A.O., Mukaneeva D.K., Khudyakov M.B., Drapkina O.M. Evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of popula-tion-based disease prevention measures. Intelligent Systems. Theory and Applications. Vol. 24, N 3, 2020, pp. 7-21.
- Ogorodnikov N.M., Ryjov A.P. On personalization of two-dimensional user concepts for information retrieval. Fuzzy systems and soft computing. Vol. 14, No. 2, 2019, pp. 111-125.
- Alexander Ryjov. A Note on Hybrid Intelligence. CIO and Digital Innovation. IAC Online Journal, N 2, 2019, pp. 23 – 29.
- Ryjov A.P., Ogorodnikov N.M. The method for personalizing information retrieval. Intelligence Systems. Theory and applications. Vol. 22, N 4, 2018, pp. 65-78.
- Mikhalevich I.F., Ryjov A.P. Assessment of the sustainability of the development of critical infrastructure of the Russian Federation on the basis of information security evaluation and monitoring technology. Intelligence Systems. Theory and applications. Vol. 22, N 2, 2018, pp. 7-17.
- Ryjov A.P. Evaluation and monitoring of processes in socio-technical systems and related tasks. Intelligence Systems. Theory and applications. Vol. 22, N 2, 2018, pp. 129-139.
- Mikhalevich I.F., Ryjov A.P. Assessment of the sustainability of the development of the critical infrastructures on the basis of information security evaluation and monitoring technology. T-Comm, Vol. 12, N.5, 2018, pð. 71-76.
- Ryjov A.P., Ilyin I.Y. One model of influence in social networks. Intelligence Systems. Theory and applications. Vol. 21, N 3, 2017, p. 51-66.
- Ryjov A.P., Novikov P.A. One model of digital habits. Intelligence Systems. Theory and applications. Vol. 21, N 3, 2017, p. 91-102.
- Alexander Ryjov. Disruptive technologies: transforming health care, education, and government. CIO and Digital Innovation. IAC Online Journal, N1, 2017, pp. 54 – 57.
- Ryjov A.P., Zhuravlev A.D., Vakhov A.N. Towards personification in smart learning systems. Intelligence Systems. Theory and applications. V.20, 2016, pp. 180-185.
- Vakhov A.N., Zotova E.A., Kolomoetz I.V., Ryjov A.P., Shvarts A.Y. EdTech market: landscape, perspectives, and challenges. International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 vol. 4, no. 1, 2016, p.25-30.
- Alexander Ryjov. Mathematical problems of systems for evaluation and monitoring of complex processes. An overview of the statements of problems and results. Intelligence Systems, V. 19, 2015, p. 5-20.
- Vakhov A.N., Zotova E.A., Kolomoetc I.V., Ryjov A.P., Schvartc A.Y. UCHI.RU platform: current results and perspectives. Recent information technologies and IT education. ISSN 2411-1473, V. 2 (¹ 11), 2015, p. 31-36.
- Ivanov V., Ryjov A. Multi-agent approach in modeling of energy systems. Intelligence Systems, V. 18, 2014, p. 39-46.
- Bessalov A., Ryjov A. The solution of the recognition problem for blocked ads using methods of natural language processing. Intelligence Systems, V. 18, 2014, p. 5-16.
- Kuatbayeva A.A., Ryjov A.P., Shmygaleva T.A. The healthcare situational centers as the management instrument in globalization processes. Vestnik KazNTU, ¹6 (106), 2014, p. 237-243.
- Kuatbayeva A.A., Ryjov A.P., Shmygaleva T.A. Healthcare situation room modelling. Vestnik KazNTU, ¹5 (105), 2014, p. 361-367.
- Kuatbayeva A.A., Ryjov A.P., Shmygaleva T. The possibilistic model of diagnosis based on formal methods of fuzzy logic. Vestnik KazNTU, ¹5 (105), 2014, p. 352-356.
- Ryjov A. Systems for evaluation and monitoring of complex processes and their applications. Intelligent Systems. V.17, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 2013, p. 104-107.
- Ryjov A. Soft computing in systems for evaluation and monitoring of dynamic systems. System analysis in science and education. V.3, 2010.
- Lebedev A., Ryjov A. Information analysis and decision making in information monitoring systems. System analysis in science and education. V.3, 2010.
- Ryjov A. Systems for evaluation and monitoring of complex processes: technological and scientific foundations. Intelligent Systems. V.11, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 2008, p. 101-136.
- Lebedev A., Ryjov A. An evaluation and monitoring of development process of high-tech products in microelectronics. Intelligent Systems. V.11, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 2008, p. 55-82.
- Ryjov A., Timirova A. Fuzzy robustness of math models for economics. Fuzzy sets and soft computing. V. 3, 2008. p. 7-22.
- Lebedev A., Ryjov A. Computational intelligence in information monitoring systems. Fuzzy sets and soft computing. V. 3, 2008. p. 23-48.
- Ryjov A. Optimization of strategic management based on information monitoring technology. Business Processes Management Systems, V.2, 2009
- Lebedev A., Ryjov A. An evaluation and monitoring of design projects in microelectronics. Transactions of the Taganrog State University of Radioengineering. Special issue "Intelligent EDA", ISBN 5-8327-0249-2, 2006, ¹ 8 p. 93-99.
- Ryjov A. A model of information retrieval on the basis of fuzzy attributes. Transactions of the Taganrog State University of Radioengineering. Special issue "Intelligent EDA", ISBN 5-8327-0249-2, 2006, ¹ 8 p. 10-17.
- Ryjov A. The quality of fuzzy-rule-based classification. Intelligent Systems. V.9, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 2005, p. 253-246.
- Ivanov A.A., Ryjov A.P. Cadence Design Systems methodology and tools for SoC. Intelligent Systems. V.7, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 2003, p. 63-76.
- Ahkmedzhanov N.M., Zhukotcky A.V., Kudrjavtcev V.B., Oganov R.G., Rastorguev V.V., Ryjov A.P., Stogalov A.S. System for evaluation and monitoring of risks of cardiovascular disease. Intelligent Systems. V.7, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 2003, p. 5-38.
- Hiroshi Matsuoka, Yasushi Nishiwaki, Alexander Ryjov, Alexander Belenki. An evaluation method on the integrated safeguards based on fuzzy theory. Information Sciences. Special issue: Intelligent information systems and applications, Volume 142 , Issue 1, May 2002, ISSN:0020-0255 p. 131 – 150.
- Ryjov A. Information aggregation in fuzzy hierarchical systems. Intelligent Systems. V.6, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 2001, p. 341-364.
- Belenki A. , Ryjov A. Fuzzy logic in monitoring the non-proliferation of nuclear technologies, raw materials and weapons. Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, 1997, Vol.7, No.1.3. p.27-33.
- Ryjov A. Application of degree of fuzziness in artificial intelligence systems. Intelligent Systems. V.1, Issue 1-4, Moscow, 1996, p. 205-216.
- Ryjov A. The practical use of the technique of choosing an optimal value – set of qualitative attributes: the problem of stability. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Russia. Ed. by Da Ruan, Gert de Cooman, Alexander Ryjov. FLINS Vol.3, 285 p., SCK*CEN BLG – 699, Belgium, 1995. p. 92-102.
- Loginov D. , Ryjov A. On the choice of an optimal value – set of qualitative attributes for information retrieval in databases. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Russia. Ed. by Da Ruan, Gert de Cooman, Alexander Ryjov. FLINS Vol.3, 285 p., SCK*CEN BLG – 699, Belgium, 1995. p. 63-73.
- Ruan D. , Ryjov A., de Cooman G. FLINS-related activities in Russia. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1995, N 1. p. 163 – 173.
Selected conference papers:
- Ryjov A.P. Hybrid intelligence: main problems and application scenarios. Application of virtual reality technologies and related information systems in interdisciplinary tasks FIT-M 2020: abstracts of the international scientific conference. Moscow, 2020. pp. 73-79.
- Igor F. Mikhalevich, Alexander P. Ryjov. Augmented Intelligence Framework for Protecting against Cyberattacks. 2018 Engineering and Telecommunication (EnT-MIPT), IEEE, pp. 143-145.
- Mikhalevich I.F., Ryjov A.P. Improving information security of critical infrastructures based on artificial intelligence tools. Proceedings of the 11 International Conference “Management of large-scale system development” (MLSD'2018), Moscow, 2018, Vol. 2, pp. 412-415.
- Ryjov A.P., Ogorodnikov N.M. Algorithm of learning’s personalization for smart learning systems. Remote educational technologies: II Russian Conference proceedings, Yalta, 2017, ISBN 978-5-906962-54-6, pp. 271-282.
- A. Ryjov, A. Vakhov, V. Krivtsov, and A. Zhuravlev. Personalization and optimization of learning based on technology for evaluation and monitoring of complex processes: case study. The 2016 International Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence. Ed. by: Hamid R. Arabnia, Leonidas Deligiannidis, and Mary Yang. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 15-17 December 2016, pp. 378 – 381.
- Ryjov A.P., Krivtsov V.V., Zhuravlev A.D. Clusterisation and ranging in personification of smart learning systems. Remote educational technologies: I Russian Conference proceedings, Simferopol, 2016, ISBN 978-5-906877-29-1, pp. 37-41.
- Vakhov A.N., Zotova E.A., Kolomoetz I.V., Ryjov A.P., Shvarts A.Y. Challenges for EdTech systems. practical experience. Systems for computer mathematics and their applications: XVII International Conference proceedings, Smolensk, Smolensk University Publishing, Vol. 17, ISBN 978-5-88018-445-3, pp. 260-262
- Alexander Ryjov. Evaluation and Monitoring for Disaster Management. INTELLI 2015: The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications, IARIA, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-61208-437-4, p. 26-31
- Alexander Ryjov. Human-centric systems for evaluating the status and monitoring the progress for socio-political processes. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ACM Conference Publications (New York, N.Y., United States), 2014 ñ. 413-416.
- Jirapon Sunkpho, Warit Wipulanusat, Nakhon Kokkaew, Alexander Ryjov. Disaster Management based on Information Monitoring Technology. Creative Construction Conference 2014 Proceeding, June 21-24, 2014, Prague, pp. 515-521.
- Boksha, V.V., Foster, R.O., Ignatiev, A.N., Chow, C., Ryjov, A.P., Bulai, P.M., Progler, C., Hague, E., Wong, A.C. From energy storage to EnerNet: Smart grid for abundant energy. Smart Grid Conference (SASG), 2014 Saudi Arabia. IEEE Conference Publications, 2014, p 1-8, DOI: 10.1109/SASG.2014.7274284
- Ryjov A. Evaluation and monitoring for businesses based on BSC. V International conference “Investments. Innovations. Information technologies.” Moscow, 1-2 of March, 3013, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. ISBN 978-5-7749-0847-9, p. 47-49.
- Ryjov A., Bessalov A. Intelligent data analysis in mobile content business. V International conference “Investments. Innovations. Information technologies.” Moscow, 1-2 of March, 3013, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. ISBN 978-5-7749-0847-9, p. 49-51.
- Bessalov A., Ryjov A. Determining the Target Audience of Dating Service Based on Decision Trees in the RapidMiner Platform. Proceedings of the 4th RapidMiner Community Meeting and Conference (RCOMM 2013), August 27 – 30, 2013, Porto, Portugal. Simon Fischer, Ingo Mierswa, Joao Mendes Moreira, Carlos Soares (Eds.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8440-2145-5, pp. 175 – 184.
- Ryjov A. Modeling and Optimization of Information Retrieval for Perception-Based Information. Brain Informatics. International Conference, BI 2012, Macau, China, December 4-7, 2012. Proceedings. Editors: Fabio Massimo Zanzotto, Shusaku Tsumoto, Niels Taatgen, Yiyu Yao. pp 140-149.
- Bessalov A., Ryjov A. Development of recommendation service in mobile commerce based on the Apriori algorithm. Proceedings International Conference of Information Science and Computer Applications (ICISCA 2012) November 19-20, 2012, Bali, Indonesia. Advances in Information Technology and Applied Computing (ISSN 2251-3418), Volume 1, p. 325-328.
- Ryjov A., Melnikova A., Dmitrieva E. Intelligent data analysis in telecommunication business: new opportunities. Congress "IS&IT'11". Proceedings, V.1. p. 228-232.
- Ryjov A. Fuzzy logic in evaluation and monitoring of complex processes. X International seminar “Discrete mathematics and applications”. Proceedings. Moscow, 1-6 of February, 2010. p. 423-425.
- Petrenko V., Ryjov A. System dynamics in modelling of complex processes. X International seminar “Discrete mathematics and applications”. Proceedings. Moscow, 1-6 of February, 2010. p. 402-404.
- Ryjov A. Systems for evaluation and monitoring of complex processes. International conference “Modern mathematics, mechanics and applications”. Proceedings. Moscow, 30 of March – 01 of April 2009. p. 373.
- Lebedev A.A., Ryjov A.P. Design team capability and project progress evaluation based on information monitoring technology. 5th International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control. 2-4 September 2009, Famagusta, North Cyprus, pp. 48-52.
- Lebedev A.A. , Ryjov A. An evaluation and monitoring of development process of high-tech products. Fuzzy sets and soft computing. Proceedings of Russia scientific conference FSSC -2006. Tver, September, 20-22, 2006 p. 269-279.
- Rastorguev V.V. , Ryjov A. An extraction of fuzzy associative rules for information monitoring systems. Proceedings of the international conferences "Intelligent systems " and "Intelligent EDA", September, 3-10, 2006, Divnomorskoe, Russia, Volume 1 p. 70-81.
- Ryjov A. Information Monitoring Systems as a Tool for Strategic Analysis and Simulation in Business. International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing in Economics and Finance FSSCEF 2004 Proceedings, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 17-20, 2004, ISBN 968-489-028-1, VOLUME II pp.511-520.
- Ryjov A. Basic principles and foundations of information monitoring systems. Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multi-agent Systems. International workshop MSRAS 2004. June 7-9, 2004. Plock, Poland. Proceedings. ISBN 83-920897-0-7. pp.97-105.
- Ryjov A. Fuzzy mathematics. V international congress on mathematical modeling. September 30 – October 6, 2002, Dubna, Moscow region. Book of abstracts. Volume 2, p. 124.
- Hiroshi Matsuoka, Yasushi Nishiwaki, Alexander Ryjov, Alexander Belenki. An Evaluation Method on the Integrated Safeguards Based on Fuzzy Theory. Proceedings of the 4th International FLINS conference on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing in Nuclear Science and Engineering, August 28-30, 2000. p. 543-555.
- Ryjov A. Systems for evaluation and monitoring of complex objects and processes. VI International conference on math modelling. 24 of June – 01 of July, 2000. Moscow, Moscow technological university. p. 33-40.
- Ryjov A. On Application of a Linguistic Modeling Approach in Information Collection for Future Evaluation. Book of Extended Synopses, International Seminar on Integrated Information Systems, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 April 2000, IAEA-SR-212. p. 30-34.
- Ryjov A. Fuzzy Information Granulation as a Model of Human Perception: some Mathematical Aspects. Proceeding of Eight International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress 99. p. 82-86.
- Ryjov A., Fedorova M. Information aggregation in monitoring systems based on genetic algorithms. V National conference “Neurocomputers and applications”. Proceedings. Moscow, 17-19 of February, 1999. p. 267-270.
- Rogozhin S., Ryjov A. Fuzzy classes in k-valued logic. V National conference “Neurocomputers and applications”. Proceedings. Moscow, 17-19 of February, 1999. p. 460 – 463.
- Belenki A. , Ryjov A. A Conceptual model for an intelligent system for monitoring and analysis of Peaceful Nuclear Activities. Proceedings of the FLINS' 98 – Third International FLINS Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies for Nuclear Sciences and Industry, Antwerp, Belgium, September 14-16, 1998 p. 158-164.
- Belenki A. , Ryjov A. The technology of information monitoring of complex problems. International Workshop on Soft Computing SC'96. Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, October 3-6, 1996. Proceedings. p. 150-157.
- Ananich I., Belenki A., Pronin L. , Ryjov A. The coordination of the information in information monitoring systems. International Workshop on Soft Computing SC'96. Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, October 3-6, 1996. Proceedings. p. 143-149.
- Belenki A. , Ryjov A. The technology of information monitoring of complex problems. Third European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing. Aachen, Germany, August 28-31, 1995. Proceedings, Volume 1. p.198-202.
- Ryjov A. Optimal Description of Objects in Human-Machine Information Systems. Application of Fuzzy Systems – Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems – ICAFS-94 held at the University of Tabriz, Iran, October 17-19, 1994. p. 246-249.
- Kozlov V., Kudrjavcev V., Ryjov A., Strogalov A. An Expert System for the Evaluation of the Negative Effects of Environment on Person During the Liquidation of Nuclear, Industrial and Ecological Accidents. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science. Proceedings of the 1st International FLINS Workshop, Mol, Belgium, September 14-16, 1994. Edited by Da Ruan, Pierre D'hondt, Paul Govaerts, Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific. p. 266-270.
- Belenki A. , Ryjov A. Fuzzy Logic in Monitoring the Non-Spread of Nuclear Weapons. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science. Proceedings of the 1st International FLINS Workshop, Mol, Belgium, September 14-16, 1994. Edited by Da Ruan, Pierre D'hondt, Paul Govaerts, Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific. p. 219-222.
- Lyapin B. , Ryjov A. A Fuzzy Linguistic Interface for Data Bases in Nuclear Safety Problems. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science. Proceedings of the 1st International FLINS Workshop, Mol, Belgium, September 14-16, 1994. Edited by Da Ruan, Pierre D'hondt, Paul Govaerts, Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific. p. 212-215.
- Ryjov A. The Practical Use of the Technique of Choosing an Optimal Value-Set of Qualitative Attributes: the Problem of Stability. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science. Proceedings of the 1st International FLINS Workshop, Mol, Belgium, September 14-16, 1994. Edited by Da Ruan, Pierre D'hondt, Paul Govaerts, Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific. p. 95-104.
- Loginov D. , Ryjov A. On the Choice of an Optimal Value-Set of Qualitative Attributes for Information Retrieval in Data Bases. Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science. Proceedings of the 1st International FLINS Workshop, Mol, Belgium, September 14-16, 1994. Edited by Da Ruan, Pierre D'hondt, Paul Govaerts, Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific. p. 85-94.
- Ryjov A. The Concept of a Full Orthogonal Semantic Scope and the Measuring of Semantic Uncertainty. Fifth International Conference Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Paris, July 4-8, 1994. p. 33-34.
- Ryjov A. Fuzzy databases: description of objects and retrieval of information. Proceedings of the First European Congress on Intelligent Technologies. September 7-10, 1993. Aachen, Germany. Vol.3. p.1557-1562.
- Ryjov A. The Information Retrieval in Fuzzy Data Base. Proceedings of the Fifth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress'93, July 4-9, 1993, Seoul, Korea, Vol.1. p. 477 – 480.
- Ryjov A., Senkevich V. Information communication system for supporting of market "Elephant". Proceedings of ISUMA'93. The Second International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, April, 25-28, 1993, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY PRESS. p. 68-72.
- Ryjov A. The measure of uncertainty of fuzzy set's collection: definition, properties and applications. Proceedings of ISUMA'93. The Second International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, April, 25-28, 1993. IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY PRESS. p. 37-42.
- Ryjov A. The axiomatic definition of a linguistic scale fuzziness degree, its major properties and applications. North American Fuzzy Logic Proceeding Society (NAFIPS'92). Proceedings of a Conference held in PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO, December 15-17, 1992. NASA Conference Publication 10112, Vol. 1. p. 21-29.
- Ryjov A. About a method of fuzzy object and situation optimal description in decision-making systems. International symposium on fuzzy approach to reasoning and decision-making. Abstracts. Technical university Liptovsky Nikolach, 1990. p. 81-83.
- Ryjov A. The degree of fuzziness of linguistic scale and its properties. Fuzzy sets in informatics. Abstracts of Moscow International Conference. Moscow, September 20 – 23, 1988. p.57.
Reports and projects:
- Development of an Intelligent System for Monitoring and Evaluation of Peaceful Nuclear Activities (DISNA) Volume 1: Conceptual Model. Ryjov A., Belenki A., Fattah A., Hooper R., Pouchkarev V., Zadeh L.A., IAEA, STR-310, Vienna, 1998, 122 p.
- Programme for Development of an Intelligent System for Monitoring and Evaluation of Peaceful Nuclear Activities (DISNA). Ryjov A., Belenki A., Fattah A., Pouchkarev V., Zadeh L.A. IAEA, EPR-53, Vienna, 1998. 5 p.
- Summary of a series of projects for retail, telecom, banks, healthcare, microelectronics, and energy companies is presented here.
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