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Safiullin Alexander Naifovich
Junior researcher

Safiullin A.N. was born on the 27th of March, 1979 in Riga, Latvia. In 1981
he went to Zarechniy
(Penza-19), Penza region. In
1996 he completed his studies in secondary school #221 in Zarechniy, Penza region.
In 1996 Safiullin A.N. entered the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of the
Lomonosov Moscow State University ,
where under direction of Dr. of Sc., Academician Kudryavtsev Valery Borisovich
was dealing with problems of mathematical economics.
In 2001 Safiullin A.N. bacame a post-graduate student
of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics.
Since January 2003 Safiullin A.N. has been working as a Junior researcher
of the Chair of Mathematical Theory of Intelligent Systems (MaTIS)
of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of the
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Area of scientific interests.
automata theory; mathematical ecomomics;
graph theory; algorithms theory.
Safiullin A.N. supervises the scientific activity of MaTIS Chair students.
Email: a dоt safiullin аt intsys dоt msu dоt ru
Publications of Alexander Naifovich Safiullin
Safiullin A. N. Optimum market behaviour model.
Intelligent Systems. Т.4, issue 3-4, 1999