The Chair of Mathematical Theory of Intelligent Systems and
Laboratory of Problems of Theoretical Cybernetics
of Moscow State University Official Website
The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University (MSU),
Russian Academy of Technical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Council on Cybernetics of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Russian State University for the Humanities,
The University of Belgrade (Yugoslavia), The University of Kiel (Germany),
Institute of pulmonology of RAMS,
Moscow State Academy of Instrument-making and Informatics,
Moscow Scientific Centre for Culture and Information Technologies,
in collaboration with Russian Foundation for Basic Research and LSI Logic Corp.
plan to hold the 9th international conference
"Intelligent Systems and Computer Sciences"
at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University from October 23 to October 27, 2006.
The Main Topics of the Conference:
pattern recognition;
information processes and technologies;
intelligent software;
data base and knowledge base;
the principles of decision-making;
expert systems and problem-solving;
modeling in technology, in natural sciences and the humanities;
discrete optimization;
theory of discrete functions;
automata and robots with elements of artificial intelligence;
computers and neurocomputers;
fuzzy logic and applications;
computer algebra;
coding theory and cryptography;
parallel computing.
If you are interested in participating, you are cordially invited to fill in the following form and to return it till the May 31, 2006.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Viktor A. Sadovnichy
Chairman of the Program Committee: Valerij B. Kudryavtsev
The scientific program will start at 10 a.m., October 23, 2006
and will end at 6 a.m., October 27, 2006.
Proceedings of the Conference
The Organizing Committee will publish the proceedings of the conference as special volume
of the journal "Intelligent Systems". As usual, all papers for this journal will be referred.
Papers should be original work, which has not been submitted previously or concurrently to another location;
Languages of publication: Russian, English;
About 60-word abstracts should be included at the beginning of the paper;
Each paper should include and a list of keywords indicating subject
The cover page must include title, author(s)'s name, affiliation, complete address, and e-mail address;
Submissions are limited to 4 A4-size pages, with 1 inch margins and 12 point or larger font.
Preferable papers format is TeX.
Following the paper's submission, it is automatically understood that all the
organizational approvals for the publication of it have been granted to the Organizing
Committee. The author(s) will prepare the final manuscript in time for its inclusion
in the conference proceedings.
Authors are invited to submit papers to the address
by the submission deadline.
It is suggested that all participants stay at the hotel of Moscow State University which situated in the Main Building of MSU at the Vorobyovy Gory. The cost of one bed room in MSU hotel is about $20 per day.
The participation fee is 150 euro (75 euro for students and post-graduate students, if they have according documents).
For Your Correspondence
The suggestions and wishes should be sent before to the Scientific Secretary of the conference, Anton E. Pankratiev, at the following address:
Moscow 119899
Vorobjovy Gory, Moscow State University
The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
The Department of the Mathematical Theory of Intelligent Systems.
Phone: +7(095)939-46-37, +7(095)939-45-04
Fax: +7(095)973-47-07
Electronic submission is strongly encouraged.
Registration Form
for participation in the 9th International Conference
"Intelligent Systems and Computer Sciences"