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Kholodenko Alexander Borisovich
Junior researcher, Scientific Secretary of MaTIS chair
Alexander Borisovich Kholodenko
was born on November 15, 1976 in Moscow.
He graduated from the 7th Moscow High School in 1994.
Alexander Kholodenko entered Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1994, where he studied the application of the mathematical methods to the natural language modeling under the scientific direction of Prof. Dmitry Babin.
Alexander Kholodenko graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in 1999 as a student in mathematics and in 2002 as a post-graduate student in mathematics.
Since January 1, 2002 Alexander Kholodenko has been working as a junior researcher of the Laboratory of Theoretical Cybernetics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Area of scientific interests.
Theory of formal languages; mathematical methods in linguistics; natural languages modeling; automata theory.
Alexander Kholodenko participates the scientific seminar "Applications of the discrete functions theory".
Email: kholodenko аt intsys dоt msu dоt ru
Publications of Alexander Borisovich Kholodenko
Kholodenko A.B. About the creation of statistic language models for Russian speech recognition systems.
Intelligent systems. V.6, issue 1-4, 2002,
pp. 381-394.
Babin D.N., Kholodenko A.B., Mazurenko I.L., Urantsev A.V.
Method of identification of operator's speech activity fact.
Russia Patent #99103468/ 28(003418), decision 29.12.99 МПК 6 В 60 К 28/06, G 10 L 5/06.
Kholodenko A.B. Error correction in formal languages.
Neurocomputers and applications: Thesis. IV Russian Conference, Moscow. February 16-18, 2000. -Moscow.: "Radiotechnique", 2000,
pp. 627-630.
Kholodenko A.B. Using lexical and syntactical analyzers in problems of recognition for natural languages.
Intelligent systems. V.4, issue 1-2, 1999,
Babin D.N.
, Kholodenko A.B. Using lexical analyzers in pattern recognition.
Thesis. International Workshop "Dialogue'99" on computer linguistics and applications in two volumes. -Tarusa, 1999, v.2.,
Kholodenko A.B. Lexical analyzer in consecutive pattern recognition.
Information technologies in innovation projects: Thesis. International Conference, April 20-22, 1999. -Izhevsk: IzhSTU, 1999,
pp. 43-44.